Thursday, 20 October 2011

Interactive Website

The past few weeks I have been creating an interactive website using anchors to get the user from one URL to another. At first, I thought about drawing maps upon the background image and giving them behaviours so that the image was changed when the cursor hovered over the map and when clicked upon it would take the user to the URL. However, when I started using the maps I realised it has limitations in creating a website as it is part of the JavaScript program. So, what I have decided to do is to use anchors for this interactive website because it will allow the user an easy usage of the website and also allows me to create the website in code form on Dreamweaver rather than just doing it by design form as this can lead to difficulties when something doesn't work and you cannot alter the mistake as you do not quite understand what the code means.

Since I have had this difficulty I have been looking into other forms of creating websites and I have come across a program called “JQuery" which allows you to create new aspect in website design but also shows you how to create it in code form. Another bonus about “JQuery" is that you can download it for free as long as you have Dreamweaver to apply it into. To download “JQuery” visit link: